I finally decided on a Cross Stitch project. This is called Snowman & Raindeer, the Gold Collection from Dimensions. It took me forever to seperate all the floss. It was so hard to determine the color names given aganist the actual threads. I seperated and counted all the floss trying to match the legend, but it was still difficult, as many of the colors had the same number of strands. Unbelievable. I don't think they used DMC Floss, as no DMC numbers are given. I can't make any mistakes as I may not be able to match the floss. It's been years since I've cross stitched, but my nutty friend from California, Rae Ann, got me started again, because she wanted to learn how to cross stitch. I started stitch a couple of days ago, but I haven't gotten very far. I'll be posting my progress.